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Dr. Srikanta Choudhury treats patients specially for the chronic, child and female diseases. He does not treat surgical and emergency cases. He has under his care patients from several countries of the world.

Online Consultation:

Dr. Srikanta Choudhury is one of the classical homoeopaths of India . Any body can consult with him through online.

The steps to consultation and treatment with Dr. Choudhury are as follows:

  1. Download the given Questionnaire.
  2. Fill-up the questionnaire and mail it back to Dr. Srikanta Choudhury at
  3. After receiving the acknowledgement from Dr. Srikanta Choudhury's clinic with 3-4 days, follow the next step.
  4. Send the cheque or bank draft to Dr. Choudhury and intimate him through email.
  5. Once the payment is received, Dr. Choudhury will then take 2-3 days to review your case and subsequently appropriate medicines would be posted to your address.
  6. You will now have to follow the prescribed schedule of medicine and would have to report your feedback to Dr. Choudhury on a regular basis.
  7. You can also speak to Dr. Choudhury over the phone for direct support by calling at the following number(s):

Mobile : +91 94331 55384
Clinic: +91 33 2265 1108
Residence: +91 33 2673 1625

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